A time ago I affirmed to friend and countrywoman Cati Gelabert who:
„Is certain: The happyness is looking for it just. It is certain: you
already want when you look for the love. The art no, the art only
appears when finding it”. And I said in writing in the page number to
it three of a poetry book, in the dedications. And it is the
inspiration is a very capricious lover, who quite often hides when you
need plus it, or on the contrary, sometimes you superficially like a
tornado is made so evident that she exceeds to you, empty, drags to
you. And it is very difficult between a psychic state and another one,
to find the so essential point of balance, necessary moderation,
mature fullness. And I do not speak only of mmaestría in the handling
of the brushes, colors, shades, textures. I do it of the essential
genius because that one “knowledge to do” raises a step, overcomes,
obtains the height and the aureole that transforms into Work of Art
unites only beautiful, decorative piece. And when this even happens
surprising to the same author. Magic almost needs to find the switch
who ignites all the candles of the inspiration, and at the given
moment, the hand moves almost single towards the creative process,
towards the same you limit humans. But Cati has acquired, this magic.
You observe his work at great length, little by little without haste…
The sensation of finding you, well, to taste, plenty and so you see,
notes that transform to you, that until the skin and all communicates
those so high perceptions to you, so difficult to explain… If this
happens to you, is that Gelabert Niell has returned to make the
fascinating conjuring. And it has arrived exactly there where it
Word of poet.
Florit Ferrer. May 2007
In Sineu we are a lot given to want
knowledge what and the reason of weary things that they
happen to everybody and each one. He
must be the poet Blai Bonet for what
hesaid: that the
knowledge of the men brings us over
to the gods. We put that if. If it is
not true, it is well found.Com that we know a lot, almost everything,
the that success to one,
the way she
splashes all the other. Because of that same when, relatively little
weather ago, I
discovered the passionate Art of the
colors of weary TVS of na
Catalina, I
suggested, I say, how it is
possible that it happened and I did not know it, I did not splash?
It is strange. And much more when the
irrefutable coincidence of referential
places been evident: our same village,
Sineu, with the walls of weary
houses of stone withered color of
bread fair finished removing from the oven, old gold without excuse,
ocher reddish always timids.Son Tei, big coomb of to the-luvió
of gullies, caparrudes fig trees,
ametlers that they still know how to
bloom when the good moon is from January in point, green very
desperts, livened up because out of
the instinct of survival, pasture of resigned sheep of not at all not
even bit bucolically to know that the wool that they give now any more
she is not worth nothing, a small
lake in the precise scale of the
measure of the ambition of the
menúfars, the Puig
de Sant Onofre and smells of and aggressive
argelara, among
Sant Joan, Petra and our town...
The difference of age, maybe the little time
that I can dedicate to our
village, also weary personal lacks
they founded my ignorance of Gelabert Niell.
The oil, the pastel, the "carboncillo",
believers are to her. Because they
taught and her, eyes shaken off. The skill of
Maria Alomar, Agnés Florit,
Pascual de Cabo,
Carles Lladó, they candied in her without absorbing
her. A thing is the technical one and
another the personal answer in the face of the inspiration, the
artistic creation the spillwaies of the
soul. The experts say, this: intìm
language, personality, independence.
I felicit myself to me for the discovery,
the knowledge. Thank you and
congratulations, Catalina.
Biel Florit Ferrer,
Mayo 2006
COMES FROM COUNTRY. A reading of the painter
Gelabert Niell
Landscape comes from country. Those who articulate a country are, in
short, the construction of the elements that humanize our territory,
the homes, the boundaries, the scrubs
of the rafters, the sown fields or the streets. The result is a
framework of sensations, of colors, a grid in ways that she waits for
he was going to write, she
needs- that somebody reads them correctly. Not only that somebody
enjoys them and contemplates them, but that she
objectifies them or that reproduces
them subjectively. So she uses if one
looks for the objectivity or, staff, makes a rereading. They are the
two faces of a same
currency, trying to find out the face
of a place. Here she is where we,
very diverse persons, scientists and artists, like the painter
Gelabert Niell, come together. And a lot
more of the one that can be believed. Pos
an example, the definition of a landscape made through a good book of
poems or the reading and description in the ways of a territory in a
good novel of Guillem Frontera or of
Gabriel Florit, to us to quote two
elements of the Plan, brief so well or better of what they cross to
make it the scientists. Writers and painters, so how photographers or
movie makers, they are indispensable
elements to look how we look, as they see and how
instrumentalitzen through
herdifferent languages, the one that
is real and objective. Boasts, absolute pretension of the scientists.
Of the impressionism to the
hyperrealism, ways to try, to approach everything, cross the
history of the art. Some touches of
Renoir, yes that there is in the works of
Gelabert Niell, with other personal
touches of handling the brush, passats for the sieve of the learning
of how the look of the artist on the
cloth has to be transported, where the finished work the painter will
say us like voice the country. The trees of a sidewalk of torrent, the
fields of wheat or of barley before the boards, the
paths and the huts that accompany the
human footprints and of the story,
the fruits that result from it, all them solved with touches certain
of color. These the elements that she
puts at the disposal are from everybody our painter. Here you are how
her process of visual construction
brings an element more, different, to the reading of the country.
Through the stroke, of the color, of the composition,
Gelabert Niell takes the opportunity to
make ourselves fix in the that to her it interests to
her. So real or more that the reality
herself. So subjective or personal as
the landscape read by one of us is it. Turn to repeat: or more.
Cati Gelabert Niell they like me the
powerful treatments of her works, the
plotted ones fast and convinced of brush or pencil, some herbs and
some sown fields, as well as the breaking of the waves are already
those of first term to stand out, when she
makes navies, which, however, a treatment calmer and of detail does
not make her avoid, to outline some
village, a pinewood or some trees a
lot to the style of
Camille Pissarro.
She is in these resolutions
safe where the maturity of the
painter is made more convenient, although accepting her
her teachings, in
current|up-to-date stage she
takes more personal ways: the
framing, the shadows, makes the reflections for us
tèmer of the new footpaths that can
furrow the artist, sustaining, this yes, the faithfulness to
her circles. The wide and endless
readings of the territories, of the facts and of the results of those
who inhabit them. Cati Gelabert helps us
in it and supplies us a colorful and personal look to interpret them.
In spite of the protagonists of her
work are not the persons, even though one looks in a place or turns up
almost dissolved in the sidewalk of a sink, contemplating the
nenúfars, "in the way" of
Monet. That she
keeps on feeling of each pike more comfortable in
her style, there turn to make
mention, her resolutions can certify
it with steady stains and master, approaching the abstract one, the
swallows of color, halfway, on the other hand, with the thoughtful
painting of the background, or with
the skyline of
Palma or with the profiles of the
homes of her
village, Sineu.
Of the juxtapositions of the landscape to|the
history of the art, of
Patinir to the impressionists, who
she knows if of some
fauvistes or punctilious or of the
teachers who have interpreted her in
Mallorca, Gelabert
Niell takes out her benefit.
Her work is capable of scrolling
vibrations good, pleasant sensations -Mallorca
like an Arcàdia, I do not know if too
much happy- that good mistake they make us. In spite of that, for
under, the echoes that pursue the landscape echoe,
Gelabert Niell in
her work certifies
her way to look at our territory,
with a vision of hers.
March 2007